Monday, July 21, 2008

Did I make the right decision?

It’s coming up on ten years since I made this decision and even now I’m wondering if it was the right choice. No, it’s not about if I married the right man, though sometimes in a fit of anger I do wonder that too.

The decision I made was when I was working in my very first job at the age of 17. I was working at a Six Flags in California as a costume character. Really a great job, just as long as you don’t get beat up by the guests. Yes, that really does happen, a lot. Anyway, it was getting close to the Fright Night festivities and I was asked by my supervisor to play a part in one of the shows in the haunted house. I was so excited and jumped at the chance because, not only did it pay more, but I would be one of the lucky few who to be apart of this month long event.

Then I found out what exactly was my new job. I was to be a dancer, almost like a stripper because I had to lean to swivel my hips (ballet does not teach that), and the story would be I was a caught in a fire and it burned one half of my body and face. I was to dance with the good side showing and then turn and “frighten” people with the decaying side. It sounded gross, but I thought it could be ok even though a little red flag was popping up in my head.

I met with the seamstress because as a Christian woman I didn’t want an outfit that was too revealing.

Well, the more I thought about what the new job was about the more I questioned if it would be glorifying to God.

Well, let’s see. I’m portraying something that’s a terrible thing to happen to anyone. I’m dancing in a provocative way and who knows what that’s doing to the people watching me. And no matter how modest the costume was going to be I still felt like it was too sexy.

Now if I didn’t do this job my other choice was to quit my original job early. At the time I was working to save up money. I needed as much money as I could put together, since I was putting myself through college.

Well, I decided in the end to quit my job. A lot of people were not happy with me. Some of my co-workers even tried to make me feel bad about my decision. But I tried to hold my head up high and told them I did not think God would be happy with me doing the dancing job. Oh, how my supervisor, boss, even the seamstress tried to change my mind. Still, I stood by my decision.

Now that I have reflected on the past I don’t see any reward for making that decision. Did I really make the right choice? Was I really doing what God wanted me to do?


Yes, I believe I have made the right choice. I believe that even though I may not see any reward for making that decision, I know God will reward me in heaven. Maybe because I stood up for myself and said that it wouldn’t be pleasing to God that maybe it affected the people around me in a positive way. That in itself would be reward enough.

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