Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Orphan Beads

Do you have orphan beads? You know, the kind that don’t match any other, the one left behind from a set, the one you didn’t need in your pattern? That poor little bead, all alone in it hiding place. You look at it once in a while and remember what you did with the others but you have no plans for this one. Feeling a little bit guilty yet?

Well, don’t be. I certainly have my share of poor little lonely orphan beads. I keep then all in a box so they have company with the others just like them. The outcasts of my bead stash.

What is an artist to do?

There are big ones, small ones, teeny tiny ones, ceramic, glass, stone, purples, browns and reds. They don’t really go together, but they all have the same common denominator. They certainly aren’t junk beads, I spent good money on them! But there they are, starting back at me from their hiding place. Waiting…. Watching…

This world is a lot like those poor little orphan beads. If you really look at other people, and I mean with that artistic eye you have been gifted with, you’ll notice that everyone is different. Now Emily, you say, of course I know every one is different, everyone is special, we learned that back when we were three years old on the playground. But what I mean is not just what you’ve been taught, but what you really observe. Sure, we all look different. Shoot, I mean people who look alike look different, but why? Why did God make everyone different? Wouldn’t it just have been easier to make everyone the same? Then we wouldn’t worry about growing old and wrinkly or if our nose is bigger than it should be or how fat or skinny we are. Seems silly doesn’t it?

But what really make us different? Is it just the outside? Just the colored glazing like in that bead stash? Or is it more; is it deeper than that which makes us unique? If you listed everything about you and compared it with everyone else in the world your would find that no one has the exact same list. Isn’t that amazing? There’s, like, a billion people on earth and you are the only one like you. Just like that orphan bead. The only one. Won’t be another one, just you. Just take a moment and relish how you are so special to be the only one like you.

Now to interrupted that moment, think again about that stash of orphan beads. Since you have had that moment to reflect on how wonderful you are, think about all the people in your life. Friends, family, the guy next door who can’t keep his dog off your lawn, and think about how each of them are different and special (or not) in your life. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Now go get that bead stash I have a project for you. I would like you to pick out beads that remind you of each person in your life. It don’t matter what they look like, just pick. Oh! And don’t forget to pick one that represent you! Now, take that pile of beads and make a necklace, bracelet, earrings, basketball net if you have that many orphan beads and put you right in the center. Now you have a project to do with those orphan beads! You have something to not only remind you of those who love you, but also how wonderful and special you are.

I would love to see those finished projects! You are more than welcome to email me with pictures and if you like (please specify in the email) I will post your pretties on this blog so everyone can see.

Here’s the email gruene_beadle@yahoo.com.

Have a beady day!

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